Friday, January 31, 2014

draft of the underwater scene for when we see the swan sink

Thursday, January 30, 2014


I was wondering about the dimensionality of our characters while trying to storyboard. I kinda made more geometric versions of Shawnee's minions to get a more solid grasp of these guys as 3d objects. I also thought it might be easier to see how these could be rigged or articulated, but I'm not sure.

The sailor based off of circles/spheres.

Cylindrical sailors, with different versions of faces/with cylinder noses.

The pirate based off of circles/spheres, before we cut flintlocks from the story. The clothing/sleeves on this guy might be difficult to move around properly, maybe not.

An egg/cone pirate, sleeveless. Before we turned him into a female.

A rendition of our new girl pirate from the storyboards so far, based off a circle and a cone. Because adding hair and a bow to the egg/big-boned pirate kinda looks confusing. Unless that's what we're going for.

Flintlock Textured

here's part of a bathtub/ modeling for the final scene!....planning on doing window treatments and faucets this weekend

Toy Ship 2 WIP

zee Treasure Chest and a bucket

~**meet the true golden swan**~

general fishing boat design

Hi, here's a rough side sketch of a fishing boat. I put in the features that I think are important/common to many boats/fishing boats.
There's still features that I haven't pointed out yet, like where the 'hold' is or how wide the boat is.

This design is basically the simple one from Finding Nemo. It's nice because it's easy-to-understand, unlike an actual fishing trawler.

The rudder and propeller tend to be tucked away in the middle of the back end on small fishing boats. They aren't visible from the side. (you can see it going on with the 3d model at the bottom of this post)

I'm guessing here, but I think the boom is connected to the mast via a 'gooseneck'. It lets the boom go up, down, and side-to-side. We probably want something heavy-duty, like the picture on the right, if the boom is going to be lifting a net/hook.

This is how the rope is connected back to the pulley. They had it this way in Finding Nemo as they were pulling the net up, but they kinda fudged how the connection actually is... still worked though.

These are the 'loop connections'.

This is what the actual fishing net looks like. The gray diagram shows what our boat design would look like as it pulls its net through the water. For our story, I think we can get away with not having 'boards' on our net.

'How does a shrimp boat work?'
If you'd like to know, I think this video does a good job at explaining how the net gets shaped the way it does in and out of water. It might be useful for animating/modeling.

This isn't really related to anything, but I thought this was cool for giving ideas on how to model a boat, and what the result is if you have a ridiculously good texture person.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

some hands

I kinda liked Chanel's rendition of the captain, so I came up with 2 different hand ideas that might be able to go with the captain if we wanted him to have hands. I put the 2nd idea onto the pirate captain just because.

I don't think the arms have to be all bendy and organic when modeled. They could be stiff shape pieces that are articulated at certain points, like the Goon model, so that it simplifies rigging hopefully. Same thing with 'clothing', which could be simple, joined shapes with some textures to finish it.