Opens with pirate voice narration to explain why the ocean liner is being chased by the pirate ship
Intense conflict btwn two seemingly realistic ships in the ocean
Both ships happen to have their own NURB minions that are ambiguously shaped monster forms
The pirates are battling for a, once again, seemingly fantastic prize that the ocean liner has...the GOLDEN SWANnNNNNnNn!
BUT WAIT! Scary octopus monster wants in on the golden swan!
camera then slowly zooms out while the 'real' objects morph into bath tub toys. This is the first time the viewer realizes that it's all been in a bath tub and the toys lay lifeless on the floor of the drained tub.
and then a voice says, "Bazdill... honey, you forgot to clean your toys up!" as a tentacle comes in and sweeps all the toys out of the tub.