Thursday, January 16, 2014

Another idea to possibly brainstorm!

the scene could take place in an art supply store (blick?) across the street from a clothing store. it could be a love & teamwork story. the art supplies could get together to make something beautiful on a piece of paper and then: 1. press the drawing against the window for the mannequin across the street to see, or 2. transform the drawing into a paper plane and send it across the street. I think different types of markers or paintbrushes could have a wide a variety of personalities and same goes with the mannequins. maybe the mannequins are competing? or maybe they are good friends? i think the set design would be fun and we could cut back and forth between the stores-- so that could also help us divide animating tasks??

thought of this because of taylor swift's "you belong with me" music video where they write on notepads from window to window

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Tori! I love the messaging across the streets idea, but you would still need conflict. I mean, the space between the stores could be considered as an obstacle to get over, but it's not really conflict. Like in the music video you sited, there is another girl competing for the boy's attention (his girlfriend) - that's the conflicting element. So maybe if there is a jealous mannequin on the clothing store side or sabotaging crayon on the art side that keeps changing the sign before it can be read by the mannequins or something.
