Tuesday, January 14, 2014


-       They’re all in pairs minus one of them
-       Shoe store: one on display looking for its match in the back room
-       Fighting for the love of the customer – trying to be bought
-       Shift their form trying to meet most modern styles
-       Competition
-       The shopper is getting married, and everyone wants to be the pair the bride picks
-       Diva shoe: Beyonce-esque
-       Closet: “I have a big party tomorrow, I wonder what I’m going to wear…”
o   à Then the shoes start fighting each other, wanting to be the pair that’s picked
-       Shoes could have thought bubbles

-       Spaghetti

Antique Shop

Talking Money
-       Dollar bills

Telephone Booths

Just a cute random animal/thing that we animate
-       Maybe an ostrich???

Perfume bottles
-       They can break, shine, reflect
-       Bottles generally
-       Water bottle = jock

-       Real looking bathtub toys (i.e. boats) and you think it’s real life and at the end a rubber duck is thrown in and you realize it’s a little kid’s bathtub
-       Heroic, scary music – Pirates of the Caribbean-esque
-       Whirlpool crisis – kid draining the tub

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