Thursday, January 23, 2014

some of my sketches

Since there are two ships, I was wondering if we should make each of them has distinctive "personality," so that during the battle, it's easy to tell which one is which. For the "good" ship, I drew a minion with mustache. I was going to a simple form, easy-to-rig (hopefully) type of minion so I came up with this:

I decided to draw a captain with a mustache as well, so probably end up design a ship with a huge mustache in the front because it's might be funny, although I don't know what direction we end up going with (more serious/ dramatic or a little over-exaggerated/ ridiculous/ funny). My captain has no arm like his minion, or I was thinking he might have tiny arms wearing huge gloves. I just like the idea that his minion resembles him in many ways.

I'm also in the middle of designing a battle ship, which I did some sketches for:

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