Thursday, January 30, 2014


I was wondering about the dimensionality of our characters while trying to storyboard. I kinda made more geometric versions of Shawnee's minions to get a more solid grasp of these guys as 3d objects. I also thought it might be easier to see how these could be rigged or articulated, but I'm not sure.

The sailor based off of circles/spheres.

Cylindrical sailors, with different versions of faces/with cylinder noses.

The pirate based off of circles/spheres, before we cut flintlocks from the story. The clothing/sleeves on this guy might be difficult to move around properly, maybe not.

An egg/cone pirate, sleeveless. Before we turned him into a female.

A rendition of our new girl pirate from the storyboards so far, based off a circle and a cone. Because adding hair and a bow to the egg/big-boned pirate kinda looks confusing. Unless that's what we're going for.

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